What is Thrive by 5?
Thrive by 5 is a countywide, cross-sector initiative dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of pregnant and parenting families with children, birth to age 5, so that:
Children and families are healthy.
Children and families are ready for kindergarten.
Children live in safe and nurturing families.
Families have the resources thy need to support children's optimal development.

The History of Thrive by 5
The initiative was launched in January 2017 when the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors (Board) established the Thrive by Three Early Childhood Fund (the Fund) as a dedicated funding source to improve outcomes for pregnant and parenting families with young children and strengthen the prenatal-3 system of care. In May 2022, the Board approved expanding the scope and purpose of Thrive by Three to Thrive by 5 in order to create greater alignment with other early childhood initiatives and funding streams.
Each fiscal year since its inception, the Board has allocated $350,000 of County General Funds to the Thrive by Three/Thrive by 5 Early Childhood Fund for early childhood services and system-building activities. Additional public and private funds contributed by the Health Services Agency (HSA), Human Services Department (HSD), First 5 Santa Cruz County (First 5), and other partners have supported a broader range of service coordination and capacity building, beyond the County’s direct investments. First 5 leads the coordination and evaluation of this countywide initiative in partnership with HSD and HSA, with guidance from an Advisory Committee.
Theory of Change
In recent years, Thrive by 5 partners developed this theory of change, which articulates a shared vision of thriving children and families in a resilient, just community and acknowledges that achieving this requires addressing the root causes of the “Pair of ACEs” —Adverse Childhood Experiences that occur in Adverse Community Environments.

Thrive by 5 Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee is an advisory body of the First 5 Santa Cruz County Commission, and it also serves as the Community Advisory Board for the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) and Trauma Informed Approach Field Nursing programs operated by the County’s Public Health Department.
Julio Andrade, Parent Leader / Community Member
Priscila Bacio, Health Improvement Partnership
Maria Cadenas, Santa Cruz Community Ventures
Jessica Carreno, Parent Leader / Community Member
Gloria Carroll, County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department
Juana Chavez, Parent Leader / Community Member
Katy Chevalier, County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department
Karen Rito Cortes, Parent Leader / Community Member
Dianna Diallo, Central Coast Alliance for Health
Jennifer Herrera, County of Santa Cruz Health Services Agency
Diane Munoz, Santa Cruz County Office of Education
Marcela Pinto, Parent Leader / Community Member
Mariah Roberts, Santa Cruz County Parks Friends
Sheree Storm, Dientes Community Dental
Gabriela Trigueiro, City of Santa Cruz
Lisa Guitierrez-Wang, County of Santa Cruz Health Services Agency
The Advisory Committee provides strategic, non-binding advice and guidance about the Thrive by 5 initiative to First 5 and the County. Members contribute ideas, data, connections to other people, and other resources to help continuously improve and enhance the Prenatal-5 (PN-5) System of Care.
Our Partners on the Thrive by 5 Leadership Team