Partner Resources
Theory of Change
Thrive by 5 is guided by a shared vision of thriving children and families in a resilient, just community. The theory of change acknowledges that fulfilling this vision requires addressing the root causes of the “Pair of ACEs” —Adverse Childhood Experiences that occur in Adverse Community Environments (coined by the Center for Community Resilience at The George Washington University ( —which explicitly names systemic racism as a primary driver of the Pair of ACEs.
FY 2023-24 Report on Thrive by 5
Each fiscal year, First 5 Santa Cruz County leads the coordination and evaluation of this countywide initiative in partnership with the Human Services Department, and the Health Services Agency, and guidance from an Advisory Committee. Each year, First 5 Santa Cruz County prepares a report for the Human Services Department on community-level indicators of young children’s health and well-being, Thrive by 5 implementation activities, and results. This report summarizes key indicators, activities, and accomplishments during Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-243.